Marine diesel engine lubricating oil selection

The choice of Marine diesel engine lubricating oil is the same as that of general gasoline engine and diesel engine lubricating oil.

According to the diesel engine structure and performance parameters to choose: Marine diesel engine structure, and a wide range of power.When considering the thermal and mechanical loads of the engine to choose lubricating oil, generally speaking, for high-power high-speed diesel engines, 16 or 20 aviation lubricating oil (equivalent to CC50) diesel engine oil can be used.For example, the light 12v-180 diesel engine and the heavy 12v-180zc diesel engine produced in China use these two oils.For medium and low speed diesel engines, CC30 or 40 diesel oil can be selected respectively. HD (CC) grade lubricating oil equivalent to SAE30 (base value of 3-10mgkoh /g) is usually used as the standard oil for Marine diesel engine lubrication system in foreign countries.The fuel of Marine diesel engine is light diesel and heavy oil.Light diesel fuel with low sulfur content (mass fraction) is 0.2-0.5%, generally less than 1%, and up to 1.7%.Heavy oil of sulfur content (mass fraction) generally greater than 1%, the highest can amount to 3.5%, to solve the high sulfur content of the harmful effects of oil is one of the most effective solution is to choose high quality lubricating oil, improve the performance of oil base number and clean dispersion to neutralize acid generated after inferior fuel combustion, reducing corrosion, reduce carbon deposit, extend the oil change period.When choosing Marine cylinder oil, for fuel with more than 3% sulfur content (mass fraction), TBN is 70-100 medium speed cylinder piston diesel engine oil.The structure of medium-speed cylindrical piston diesel engine is similar to that of ordinary diesel engine.But its supercharging degree is high, the heat load and the mechanical load are higher than the general high speed diesel engine.The difference is that this kind of machine USES dry crankcase.

The average effective pressure of the medium-speed aircraft in the world is also up to 1.3-1.5mpa (two strokes) and 2.0-2.3mpa (four strokes).At the same time, this kind of machine also USES inferior fuel, so it requires excellent high temperature cleaning and acid neutralization.They have large tanks, which require a large amount of oil to be changed at a time, and therefore require a long oil change period, so the oil base value is well maintained.In addition to the anti - foam, anti - oxygen and other requirements of all diesel oil, but also a good water separation performance.Marine diesel engine oil is developed earlier in China, but it is much more difficult to evaluate and popularize than general high-speed diesel engine oil.
