Marine diesel engine accessories Introduction to low speed diesel engines

Marine diesel engine accessories Introduction to low speed diesel engines

The low-speed diesel engine is the main engine of the ship, which mainly provides power for the ship. According to the different characteristics of the working cycle and ring, the low-speed machine can be divided into two-stroke low-speed machine and four-stroke low-speed machine.

Two-stroke low-speed diesel engine

Two-stroke low-speed diesel engine is the main product of Marine low-speed diesel engine, as the main engine of large ships. The progress of two-stroke low-speed machine from ordinary models to modern models is mainly reflected in the improvement of power and the reduction of unit fuel consumption, and at the same time meets the requirements of international, international and Marine environmental protection. The large increase in power greatly meets the needs of the construction of large and mega ships; The reduction of unit fuel consumption meets today's human pursuit and desire for environmental protection, and meets the requirements of environmental protection engines.

Four-stroke low-speed diesel engine

Four-stroke low-speed diesel engine is a kind of low-speed Marine diesel engine, which is rarely seen in the world at present. Its structure is the same as the two-stroke low-speed machine, which is divided into two parts: cylinder and crankcase. The crankcase works in the same way as a four-stroke machine, and the cylinder works in the same way as a two-stroke machine. According to the size of the model, the number of cylinders is generally between 4 and 8, and the stroke and unit fuel consumption are close to the two-stroke low-speed machine with the same number of cylinders, which can also meet the requirements of international, international and Marine environmental protection. However, the speed is higher, and the general design speed can reach 390 r/min.

The advantages of low speed, life, wear, maintenance are better than high speed, high speed advantage is small size, more suitable for loading and other places with volume limitations, the disadvantage is maintenance trouble, life is not as good as low speed.

Marine diesel engine accessories Introduction to low speed diesel engines
