Marine diesel engine accessories explain the difference between diesel engine and gasoline engine

Marine diesel engine accessories explain the difference between diesel engine and gasoline engine

1、Different compression ratio:

The compression ratio is the ratio of the gas volume in the cylinder before and after compression. The engine converts heat energy into mechanical energy by burning air and fuel mixture, thus driving the equipment to work. Because diesel has no knock, it can bear higher compression ratio than gasoline (generally, gasoline engine 8~10:1, diesel engine 16~20:1), so the efficiency is also high.

2、Crankshaft speed is different:

The gasoline engine is generally 5000r/m, and the diesel engine is 3000r/m;

Gasoline engine has lower power, stable operation and low noise than diesel engine; Light weight and small volume; The distance between the journal and the bearing pad is small (generally, 0.05mm for gasoline engines and 0.2mm for diesel engines).

3、Different emissions:

L28/32 diesel engine accessories introduce that the emissions of gasoline engine are mainly HC, CO, NOX, while the emissions of diesel engine are mainly NOX, PM, HC, CO.

Compared with gasoline engines, the HC and CO emissions of diesel engines are relatively low, generally only one tenth of that of gasoline engines, and the NOX emissions of diesel engines are also equivalent to that of gasoline engines, but the particulate emissions of diesel engines are about 30-80 times that of gasoline engines.

Marine diesel engine accessories explain the difference between diesel engine and gasoline engine
