Installation and working principle of exhaust valve for marine diesel engine parts

Installation and working principle of exhaust valve for marine diesel engine parts

The working principle of the exhaust valve is: when negative pressure is generated in the system, the water level in the valve cavity drops, and the exhaust port opens. Because the outside atmospheric pressure is greater than the system pressure at this time, the atmosphere will enter the system through the exhaust port to prevent negative pressure The harm. If the bonnet on the valve body of the exhaust valve is tightened, the exhaust valve stops exhausting. Normally, the bonnet should be in an open state.

The valve is installed at the pump outlet or in the water delivery and distribution pipeline to remove a large amount of air accumulated in the pipe, or to discharge the trace air accumulated in the higher part of the pipeline to the atmosphere, so as to improve the efficiency of the pipeline and the pump. Once there is negative pressure in the pipe, the valve quickly sucks in outside air to protect the pipeline from damage caused by the negative pressure.

The principle of the sewage compound exhaust valve is the same as that of the clean water compound exhaust valve, except that the structure is slightly modified, that is, the valve body is lengthened, and the lever mechanism is slightly modified, so that the dirt only accumulates in the lower part of the valve body, and does not affect the exhaust. water leakage.

Installation note:

1. The exhaust valve must be installed vertically, that is, the internal float must be in a vertical state, so as not to affect the exhaust;

2. When installing the exhaust valve, install it together with the blocking valve, so that when the exhaust valve needs to be removed for maintenance, the system can be sealed and water will not flow out;

3. The exhaust valve is generally installed in the pipeline where the system is easy to collect gas. When there is gas overflow in the system, the gas will climb up the pipeline and eventually gather at the high point of the system. The exhaust valve is generally installed at the high point of the system. Point, when gas enters the exhaust valve cavity and gathers at the upper part of the exhaust valve, as the gas in the valve increases, the pressure rises. When the gas pressure is greater than the system pressure, the gas will drop the water level in the cavity, and the float will drop along with the water level. , Open the exhaust port.

Installation and working principle of exhaust valve for marine diesel engine parts
