The secondary instrument of pressure and temperature is wrong

Secondary instrument measurement of pressure and temperature, namely remote measurement by temperature sensor and pressure sensor.Before installing the sensor, the sensor should be verified.To check the correctness of the sensor output signal.At present, most of the output signals of this sensor are 4-20ma.If the secondary instrument measurement is wrong, the following work shall be carried out.

For the temperature sensor, such as PT100 sensor for low temperature measurement, if the sensor is verified to be normal, then its installation should be checked to meet the requirements, in particular, the correctness of its installation insertion depth.Generally, the insertion depth is 2/3 of the pipe diameter.If not, it needs to be adjusted.If the sensor is normal, the installation is correct, and the output signal is normal, then check whether the thermometer is working properly.In addition, if necessary, check the wiring.

For the pressure sensor, it is an active sensor, so check whether the power supply of the sensor is in place, whether the pressure is in place, whether the output signal meets the requirements.If the above checks are normal, check the pressure gauge and wiring is normal.If the meter head has zero adjustment, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the meter head to zero.

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